Entrepreneurship & Biblical Thought
A to Z of Personal Growth for Entrepreneurs
A is for Auto-discipline
The one skill you need to Succeed
1. What is the single source of success for personal achievement?
2. How to organize one’s day plan to keep growing every day?
Source: Book of Daniel
B is for Blessing
∛(𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑡ℎ 𝑥 𝐸𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔)
The three dimensions of Blessing:
Lifetime Learning
Health & Well Being
Business Growth
Personal Growth Formula is:
∛(𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑡ℎ 𝑥 𝐸𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔)
Source: Book of Numbers
C is for Communication
How to communicate effectively?
Pitching is one of the main activities of an entrepreneur.
Great communication goes in such order:
Listening (Listen)
Observing the facts (See)
Giving an opinion (Talk)
Source: Book of Deuteronomy
D is for Disruption
Is disruption for the best?
Innovators are disruptors.
How to consume technology without getting addicted?
Creating products implies a big responsibility: promoting human progress. (And not mindless dependency)
Source: Book of Genesis
E is for Education
Core Values or Competencies, what is more important?
Guiding a team is our main mission.
Always choose values before competencies
Recruit people with great human qualities. Your only mission will be to help them grow.
Source: Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life
F is for Fumee (Ashan)
Pivot as a habit to overcome constraints
1. The life of an entrepreneur is made of 3 types of constraints.
Targeting the Right Market (Space)
At the Right time (Time)
With the Right Team (Personality)
2. Pivoting is the answer as long as there is no Team & Product Market-Fit.
Source: Book of Formation, Sefer Yetzirah.
G is for Growth
How to increase your personal development by 4900% ?
1.Anyone can use a 49 phases plan for self Improvement (Omer).
2.The 7 Tools necessary to grow are:
Generosity, Discipline, Harmony, Consistency, Moderation, Core Values and Self-Leadership.
Source: Tree of Life, Kabbalah
H is for Health
How to remain at your peak performance every single day?
1. Peak performance is not only achieved by doing the right actions; it relies on deeper foundations such as your:
Feeling State
Physiological mood
2. In order to remain at the top of your form: Activate your Body, Breath deeply, eat healthy
Source: Maimonides, Hilkhot Deot IV
I is for Idea
How do you get your ideas across effectively?
Entrepreneurship starts with selling an idea.
Tree components make ideas memorable:
LOGOS: the logic of your idea
PATHOS: The storytelling behind the concept
ETHOS: The distinctive conviction you have (and others don’t share with you).
Find your ethos: What is the deep conviction very few people agree with you on?
Source: Halacha, Midrash, Haggada
J is for Joy
How to cultivate Happiness?
There are two types of Joy in the bible:
1. Simcha: the feeling of joy we feel once we achieve an important milestone.
2. Sasson: The feeling of happiness we experience by being in the journey itself (making tiny progress everyday).
Promote the small victories over the big punctual ones.
Source: Book of Joel.
K is for KPI
Which indicator to measure your life?
Life can be measured.
Everyone has its own system of key performance indicators.
What is yours?
SOURCE: Talmud, Yoma Tractate
L is for Leadership
Do you have the three traits of a Leader?
1.A Leader brings:
2. Leadership is a couple.
Are you a CEO or a Founder type?
Source: Book of Genesis, Judah and Joseph
M is for Music
What does your favorite music tell about your personality?
The Music you listen reveals who you are.
Three dimensions define your own music:
A specific time
A particular place
A distinct character
SOURCE: Book of Deuteronomy
N is for Network
How to surround yourself with valuable people ?
Growing in a good ecosystem is critical.
There are 3 levels of relationship:
Necessary relationships
Win-win relations
True Friends
SOURCE: Book of Leviticus
O is for Optimism
How to handle a Crisis ?
Two types of crisis face entrepreneurs on a recurring basis: Fall & Stagnation.
What are the tools the bible has to offer us:
1.When we are on a way down
2.When reaching a plateau
SOURCE: Book of Ruth
P is for Parenting
Two Obligations for every parent
Raising kids + building a venture at the same time is extremely challenging.
Our 2 missions, as parents, are:
1.Help our kids to find their own passion
2.Make them autonomous in life.
SOURCE: Chapters of the Fathers
Q is for Qualities
Do you have these 5 qualities?
The ultimate entrepreneur cultivates 5 main qualities.
1. Problem Solving
2. Listening
3. Perspective
4. Creativity
5. Leadership
SOURCE: Tabernacle Story, Book of Exodus
R is for RISK
What crazy scenario you could face in 2021? And what is your Plan B?
Every project comes with a part of risk.
Fortunately, Risk can be managed.
By reducing exposure to unprepared situations, you decrease the risk.
Therefore à Dress a few scenarios and… Train, Train, Train.
SOURCE: The 12 Spies, Book of Numbers.
S is for Social Media
2 Habits to get the most out of Social Media
We spend dozens of hours on Social Media.
1.Follow the Golden rule: behave the way you would like people to behave with you.
2.Promote Useful Content and Inspiring Ideas over self-promotion.
à Be an actor (and not a spectator) of your life.
SOURCE: Eldad and Meidad, Book of Numbers.
T is for Time-Management
How to create time for Life achievements?
As entrepreneurs, we are constantly running out of time. Yet, creating time for achieving your life (and not only your business) is feasible!
Set one measurable outcome per week.
Set daily tasks to get it completed.
Don’t start your day until your daily life achievement is done.
SOURCE: The New Time-Frame, Book of Exodus
U is for Unification
How to get aligned with your target audience?
Some people are entirely moved by reason.
Others are moved by Intuition.
à Your personality seats on a scale between these 2 extremes.
Detect one’s positioning (Reason vs Intuition) in order to connect effectively.
SOURCE: Medieval Jewish Thought, Rambam vs Rihal.
V is for Vision
The 4 components of your vision
Successful entrepreneurs pursue a Vision.
This should include:
A Pain to solve
A Solution you designed
The way people will use it
A key impact you will make in the world
SOURCE: Book of Isaie
W is for Work
How to prioritize what matters most?
1.Define one tangible deliverable to produce every day.
2. Stay focused on what matters most.
3. Distinguish between working (labor) and delivering (opus)
Source: Book of Exodus, Avoda & Melakha
X is for X-Factor
What makes you UNIQUE?
Your X-Factor is what makes you Unique.
Your X-factor can be found at the intersection of your:
A Market Need
SOURCE: Book of KOHELET, King Solomon
Y is for You
What you do is who you are.
Who are you?
Is your natural tendency more about:
1.Making Money or Leaving a Legacy?
2.Long term plans or quick opportunities?
3.Focusing on The Team or the client
4.Collective Growth or Personal Achievement?
SOURCE: Scroll of Esther
Z is for Zone
What goals will keep you in the growth zone?
Reaching your growth zone requires to:
Overcome Fear
Learn new Things
Set raising objectives
Hold yourself Accountable
Maintaining yourself in the Growth Zone requires Discipline.